Our system for shipping charges is set up to bill for shipping after the order is placed. Once the order is placed, we will bill the order for the shipping cost. We had to set our system up like this, because the shipping module was calculating to much shipping cost for small and light products and not enough for heavy products.
If you placed an order with a credit, debit or any other type of card, we will bill and add the shipping cost to the order, before the order is shipped. If you placed an order through PAYPAL or any other gateways, an invoice for shipping will be sent to you, the invoice will have to be paid before the order is shipped.
Billing Questions
Billing will be done through Motorcycle Gear Superstore or Billy's Biker Gear for Credit Cards and Our personal account for Paypal
Don't be alarmed if you order products through Coon Hunting Supplies and your credit card statement shows a debit to Motorcycle Gear Superstore / Billy's Biker Gear or if you use Paypal and you see a debit through our personal account.
In order to save on costs, we decided to use only one merchant account for handling our billing. All credit card billing will go through Motorcycle Gear Superstore or Billy's Biker Gear and Paypal debits will go through our personal account
Thanks Coon Hunting Supplies